Wednesday, June 3, 2009

North Korea - Nuclear Tests and Beyond... what it means to the world...

People aren't stupid they understand what blasting plutonium measuring 4.5 on the Richter scale means... everyone know what launching 2 missiles immediately the next day means...

There is a view the so called "EXPERTS" espouse - suggesting NK is just a spoilt brat seeking attention... and their advice is to turn a blind eye. This might be in line with the current US administration's foreign policy but it is a ticking bomb for the whole world.

What perplexes me is how a country considered "AN AXIS OF EVIL" 5 years ago has become an insignificant/harmless real estate not worth bothering about today.

Turning a blind eye so far has driven them to rekindle all their nuclear activities like as if the cooperation with IAEA didn't happen...

It is also the turning a blind eye policy that made NK a pariah in the first place...

The same policy blunder we saw earlier with the Mujaheed/Al-Quaida/Taliban
clique is unfolding before our eyes... Only this time with its a billion times more destructive... We are talking Nuclear.

What about those promises of engaging with the world...

If NK is not dealt with properly this time it could very well lead to a whole host of very undesirable problems globally. And it would not be treatable easily...